Monday, November 4, 2013

Vote David Fried Tuesday

Sorry for neglecting all of you.  We've been busy volunteering for David Freid for County Executive and haven't had time to keep up with the blog.

We'll be back soon, but wanted to make sure everyone remembers to vote for David Fried.  The Journal News said

"we endorse Fried because we believe his approach will reap greater success for Rockland, and its taxpayers."
That sounds about right.  Over here at the blog, we're supporting David Fried for the same reasons, but also because be a real Democrat, unlike another David.

Oh, and for our growing number of readers over in Ossining, make sure that you vote for Noam Bramson!


Friday, September 27, 2013

#FF @NYSA_Majority

The Women’s Equality Act, with all ten points, passed the State Assembly easily. I don’t think they are in session at the moment, but everyone should follow the Assembly Democrats at @ NYSA_Majority when they return.


Thursday, September 26, 2013

#TBT NARAL: Carlucci’s buddies try to revise history

This happened over the summer, so it’s not much of a throwback, but I think it fits with the theme of remembering history.  Apparently, Carlucci’s Republican buddies tried to blame the Democrats for the failure to pass portions of the Women’s Equality Act.  NARAL wasn’t having any of that and called them out for attempting “to revise history by asserting that the Assembly, and not the Senate, has stood in the way of women’s progress. But New Yorkers know better.”

“The Senate Majority Coalition…spent the entire legislative session obstructing the Women’s Equality Act from moving forward by misleading the public about what it would accomplish.”

You tell 'em, NARAL!


Wednesday, September 25, 2013

New Feature: From the mailbag #AMA (within reason)

Like CT says all the time, we get a LOT of emails from people who support what she’s been doing the past few months.  I want to try something a little different by inviting anyone to ask us questions about Carlucci, politics, the blog, whatever (within reason).  Just drop us a line at and we’ll answer your questions here on the blog, but will always keep your info private.

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Glad to be here

Hi, I’m the new guy joining our intrepid founder on this little mission.  Call me danger, Carlucci Danger (CD for short, which is how I will sign my posts). Hmmm.  What should I tell you about myself? I live in Nyack, I studied political science in college, but I work in the pharmaceutical industry.  Like CT, I think Carlucci’s a sham. I get the stuff he sends in the mail, and I voted for him last time, but it’s pretty crazy that he sold himself out to the Republicans and thinks we wont do anything about it. I look forward to informing and entertaining you until he goes away.


Friday, September 20, 2013

#FF @NYGovCuomo

As you all know by now I am a big supporter of the Women’s Equality Act.  I think it’s just terrible that Carlucci backstabbed New York women in exchange for money and power from the Republicans. The biggest supporter of the WEA is Governor Cuomo.  He’s doing a great job, and everyone should follow him on Twitter.


(from now on, we will try and sign posts.  Since my email address is, I will sign everything CT)

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Welcome to the new and improved Carlucci Truth Blog

We have some big changes here at the blog.  As you probably noticed, we have a brand, spanking new design.  But the changes don't stop there.  We have a new team.  After a few months of doing this on my own, and getting so many emails from people offering their help, I finally said why not.  So, from here on out, the blog (and our twitter feed @sencarlucci ) will be a team effort.  So join me in welcoming 2 new people to the blog, who will also help tell the truth about that little weasel in the State Senate.  Next up, we're looking for an Ossining correspondent so if you want to help out, hit us up.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Belated Labor Day Post -- Carlucci screws working people

I meant to post this before I went on vacation, but forgot.  Sorry.  In honor of Labor Day, I looked into the minimum wage increase that the state passed this year.  It turns out that it took 10+ years for waiters, cashiers, landscapers, and other low-wage workers to get a raise because the Republicans wouldn’t go along with an automatic cost of living adjustment for the minimum wage. Even though they passed it this year, there’s still no Cost of Living Adjustment because Carlucci and his IDC people didn’t want to upset the Republicans. 

How does this guy live with himself?  He's a disgrace. 

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Bye Bye @JasonElan

Looks like Carlucci is on another one of his crazy rants.  He made some stooge of his, Jason Elan, stop following me on twitter.

Seriously, first he tried to shut me down, then he got all paranoid because people who work him were slipping me info on the DL.  Now he made his sidekick stop following me on twitter.  Get a life, David.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Back from Vacation - Counting down to next year

I was away last week, so sorry for not doing my usual updates.

But I made sure to vote first thing in the morning (though I didn't realize my voting location changed).  Today's election means it's just one more year until NARAL takes it to Carlucci and beats him in the next election.  I don't know who's running, but count me in!

Friday, August 30, 2013

#FF @PPHPActivist aka Planned Parenthood

There are few organizations who do more good work than Planned Parenthood.  Even as Republican politicians around the country try to put them out of business, they're doing important things to protect women's health--beyond just providing abortions to women in need.  Has Carlucci ever gotten them state funding? I don't know for sure, but I bet he hasn't because he cares more about the Republicans than good people doing good work.

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Throwback Thursday – Carlucci took lots of money from crooks

It turns out that Carlucci being involved with crooks didn’t start when he was elected, it started even before he was elected.  Back in 2010 County Executive Vanderhoef said:

“Senator Sampson has personally become involved in helping David Carlucci in his bid for the Senate. Sampson has steered State Democrat Senate Campaign Committee funding to David’s campaign.”

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

How Much Is Carlucci Worth? Not Much.

I was trying to Google how much Carlucci gets paid and found a really interesting article at a website called Gotham Gazette about how much legislators make outside of their salaries.  It included a link to a state website showing every Senator and Assemblyperson and how much they make outside of their jobs.  I looked at Carlucci and he really isn't worth much, in more ways than one.

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

The courts speak, the twits stop tweeting

It’s been kind of quiet since the judges in Albany ruled that Dagan LaCorte LaCan’t run for County Executive (h/t to the Rockland County Times).  The people who were running around like a couple of crazed frat boys bragging on twitter about how they were going to win have either shut up altogether or stopped talking about the election.  Here are a couple of examples:

First up is a doofus who works for Carlucci (and whose ears look like they are probably too big to fit inside my VW Golf) named Jason Elan got into a fight on July 23rd with some guy from the Journal News:

@LoHudLegal Who is saying there are violations? Your words, not mine. Fried's accusations to petitions are baseless

Hey stupid—who says there are violations? How about the elections commissioners and two appeals courts.

Then there’s Mr. Constipated-look himself, Dagan LaCorte.  His last tweet was:

I'll have a statement at 2pm on the Court of Appeals affirming the procedural decision knocking me off the ballot for the Democratic Primary

Nothing since then.  And nothing on his website (he’s still asking for donations, though).

Friday, August 23, 2013

#FF @WendyDavisTexas - a State Senator we can believe in

Like everyone, I was captivated by Texas State Senator Wendy Davis, who waged a one-woman filibuster against the Texas Legislature when they were passing restrictions on a woman's right to choose.  Comparing her courage to that weasel Carlucci and it just makes me sick.

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Carlucci Ignores the Majority of People

That upstate website State of Politics is really full of useful information.  Apparently someupstate college did a survey and it turns out (no surprise here) that only 28% of people support what Carlucci did in cutting the Roe v. Wade out of the Women’s Equality Act.  54% of people support the full Democratic bill that Carlucci helped kill.

“By a two-to-one margin, New Yorkers would prefer to see the Assembly’s version of the Women’s Equality Act become law this year, not the Senate’s,” Greenberg said.
“With the exception of Republicans and conservatives – a plurality of both groups support the Senate version – a majority or plurality of every other demographic group supports the Assembly version.”
I hope everyone remembers that next year when Carlucci tries to run for re-election

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Another Rat Leaves the Sinking SS Carlucci

As I’ve said before, some of my best information about Carlucci comes from the people who work for him, most of who secretly can’t stand him. 

The latest thing they told me is that yet another person in the office got fed up with the little weasel and left.  She joins Gemma Bianchi, Erin Dennin, Sephora Jean-Leger, Stephen Papas, and Scott Solomon—all of who worked in his office at some point but are now gone (thanks to the person in Carlucci’s office who told me how to find the Senate Expenditure Report—I’ll have more fun with that another time).

Of the 16 people who worked for Carlucci since he took office six have now left.  That’s nearly 40%!

Rumor has it more of them will leave before NARAL runs someone against him next year because they know he’s a loser.

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

LaCan’t Even Get on the Ballot

After reading about how Carlucci’s candidate tried to break the law by running without meeting the legal requirements, I decided I’m voting for this David Fried guy because he had the guts to stand up to Carlucci’s little weasel buddy.

An Appeals Court reversed the NY Supreme Court decision allowing Dagan Lacorte onto the Democratic primary ballot Wednesday. The appeal panel, which ruled 4-0 against Lacorte, said the validating petition was not sufficiently “particularized” to give notice of which signatures he claimed were improperly invalidated by the Rockland County Board of Elections.
The challenge of Lacorte was brought by electoral foe David Fried, who Lacorte has relentlessly attacked in recent mailings. “Today’s ruling demonstrates the importance of an independent judiciary and the critical role it serves in a healthy democracy. This has been a long, but important process. We collected signatures the right way, relying on door-to-door volunteers talking directly with Rockland Democrats,” Fried said, making light of the fact Lacorte collected many signatures at local supermarkets.
If it is indeed the end of the line for Lacorte the failure to get on the ballot is a shocking anti-climax for the candidate who had raised the most money of any of the four major contenders. Lacorte’s campaign started off rocky early on, when in January he wrong-texted a plan to spy on David Fried directly to Mr. Fried himself, a story which the Rockland County Times famously exposed under the headline “LaCaught.”

Many Rocklanders have continued to refer to Lacorte as simply “Lacaught” since that time. He also caused some controversy by relying heavily on former Assemblyman Ryan Karben for campaign advice and over $100,000 in campaign mailing services.

Monday, August 19, 2013

#MemeMonday What do you call a group of losers edition

I hope you all saw the news that the constipated-looking guy Carlucci supports for County Executive was kicked out again.  Serves him right for sucking up to Carlucci.

Friday, August 16, 2013

#FF @ProChoiceNY - help them beat Carlucci

I've written a few times about why you should support NARAL.  Their website describes them best:

NARAL Pro-Choice New York is a political and advocacy organization whose mission is to guarantee every woman the right to make personal decisions regarding the full range of reproductive choices, including preventing unintended pregnancy, bearing healthy children, and choosing legal abortion.

I'm supporting NARAL because they are protecting my rights and willing to go after Carlucci.  Click here to find out more about them and click here to support them

Thursday, August 15, 2013

#TBT ThrowbackThursday: Carlucci Responsible for Rockland Going Broke

I never realized that the reason Rockland is going broke is that Carlucci wouldn’t push legislation to balance the books until I read this article from last year.  Look at what the County Executive had to say:

“We regret that State Senator Carlucci was unwilling to fight for the financial stability of Rockland County.”


“Moody’s downgrade is a direct result of his unwillingness to work with us to close the budget gap.”

I guess one reason that Carlucci became a patsy for the Republicans was so that they would stop exposing his role in driving Rockland bankrupt.

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Lawyer at Carlucci’s law firm stole the election from Al Gore

I looked into the law firm that Carlucci paid $17,000 to for his role in the criminal investigation into his corrupt buddy Malcolm Smith.  It kind of makes sense that he would hire this law firm since one of the guys in charge there is a lawyer named Ted Olsen who helped George W Bush steal the 2000 Presidential electionfrom Al Gore.

Since Carlucci is already cozying up to the Republicans it’s sort of fitting that he would hire a big time Republican to help him “cooperate” with the feds.

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

NARAL sets the record straight

Apparently one of Carlucci's Republican buddies tried to duck responsibility for stopping the Women's Equality Act. In a column in the Journal News, Andrea Miller the President of NARAL Pro-Choice New York. You should  check it out if you missed it.

Monday, August 12, 2013

Welcome Back to #MemeMonday

I hope you enjoyed MemeWeek last week. Thanks again for all of the ideas and submissions.  I promise that I'll get to more of them as we celebrate #MemeMonday each week.

Friday, August 9, 2013

Recycling comes to MemeWeek

You may remember this photo from my very first #MemeMonday post. Recycling the picture seemed like a good way to draw MemeWeek to a close.  Don't forget that MemeMonday will be back next week on schedule so if you have any photos or suggestions send them along to me at

Thursday, August 8, 2013

#tbt on Memeweek - another reader submission.

Today's it's Throwback Thursday here at the blog.  Apparently before screwing us in the State Senate, Carlucci was some kind of faceless bureaucrat at town hall.  Thanks to a reader for sending me this meme of Carlucci dreaming of his future in Albany.

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

MemeWeek Day 3 - our first reader submission!

I don't know who this guy is, but the person who sent it to me works with him in Carlucci's office.  Anyway he looks a lot like Stay Puft and apparently also is a "giant, lumbering paranormal monster" in real life, just like Stay Puft.  Dude, ease off on the cronuts.

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

MemeWeek Continues - a Salute to Carlucci's idol

Today for MemeWeek, Carlucci is honoring another politician with no respect for women. Just like his idol I think Carlucci is going down in the next election!

Monday, August 5, 2013

#MemeMonday kicks off MemeWeek!

Yesterday was Constitution of Puerto Rico Day. And even though Carlucci voted to cut Rockland in half and remove most Latinos from his district, Carlucci was out partying in typical style!

Today is the launch of something very exciting.  It's not just Shark Week on TV, it's MemeWeek on our blog.  Check back every day for a new meme and feel free to send me your ideas at

Friday, August 2, 2013

Better than Shark Week, it's Meme Week!

I don't know about you, but I love, love, love Shark Week.  Since I'm getting so many supportive emails about #MemeMonday I thought I'd combine the two.  So next week we will take a break from our regular programming and present: Meme Week.

I need your help to make it work though.  Send me your photos and ideas and help make Meme Week a success!

Thursday, August 1, 2013

More Pressure on Carlucci

I wrote the other day about the New York Post report that Albany Democrats will finally run someone against Carlucci and the other weasels. Apparently the whole Democratic Party is turning on them.  That upstate website State of Politics has been really informative, and I found a story that a person from the party stated the obvious:

"a Democratic-led state Senate would increase the chances of Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s agenda being made law."

Looks like Carlucci keeps getting more and more people mad at him for helping the Republican Party block legislation that's important to women.

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Was Carlucci’s $17,000 on criminal lawyers just the start?

Did you see the Journal News story a while back where Carlucci tried to weasel out of his responsibility for the failure of the Women’s Equality Act and campaign finance reform?

The biggest news in the story might actually be this:

“Carlucci said he continues to cooperate with the investigation.”

Maybe this means that the $17,000 in legal fees he already paid was just the start of it.  If there was just one meeting like he said, and he did nothing wrong (like he also says) then why is there more coming?  What does his cooperation entail?  Is he cooperating like that guy in the Bronx or the women from Queens who wore a wire on other crooked pols?

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Carlucci's Endorsement = Kiss of Death

If you saw yesterday's MemeMonday, or read the Journal News, by now you know that Carlucci's handpicked candidate tried to violate the law and submit petitions without enough signatures. I saw Lacorte's people outside the supermarket and I guess I wasn't the only one who refused to sign so he had to get Republicans to sign instead. Who's a bigger loser? Lacorte, who had to go to court to try and keep himself alive, or Carlucci, who endorsed this tool?

Monday, July 29, 2013

It's #MemeMonday once again

Welcome back to Meme Monday!  Thanks for all the encouraging emails, photos, and suggestions. Today's Meme is about how pathetic it is that Carlucci's handpicked candidate for County Executive was disqualified already when the election isn't even until November.

Friday, July 26, 2013

#FF for @font90

I don’t know who this @Font90 person is, but it turns out that I owe him or her a debt of gratitude.  They have been calling out Carlucci even longer than I have. Sorry that I’m late to the party, but here’s a little of what they have had to say about Carlucci: 

@font90: .@davidcarlucci we will not let you get away with your double talk. Youmight have hoodwinked the Democratic party, not us.
@font90:  .@davidcarlucciwe need to reform campaign finance so no politician can take money from a partyand then turn his back. @IDC4NY
@font90:  .@davidcarluccifirst apologize to the Jewish community for attending an anti-Semitic event.
@font90:  .@JeffKleinNYwhat about a commercial promoting tolerance of Jews. @davidcarlucci attendedAnti-Semitic event 59 days ago. @IDC4NY

Hey @Font90 don’t feel bad that Carlucci blocked you from twitter.  He tried to shut me down.  Hit me up on twitter: @sencarlucci

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Gutless Albany Democrats May Be Finally Fed Up With Carlucci & The Weasels

According to the New York Post:

Senate Democrats may have a big “surprise’’ for Sen. Jeff Klein of The Bronx, the leader of the Independent Democratic Conference (IDC), which is allied with Senate Republicans. Insiders say the regular Democrats are actively seeking a candidate to challenge Klein, and possibly other members of the IDC, in the Democratic primary next year.

If they are really going to go after Carlucci, count me in. But in the meantime, I'm supporting NARAL, who hasn't been afraid to go after Carlucci and the rest of them.

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Why I'm NEVER voting for Dagan Lacorte

I don't really know much about the other candidates though. Who should I vote for?  Email me at and you can win me over (as long as you're not Dagan Lacorte).

By the way, who names their son Dagan?  You are pretty much guaranteeing that he will go through life with a constipated smirk like in the photo above.

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Carlucci & other politicians spent $7 Million in legal fees

Did you see the big story in Sunday’s Journal News about crooked politicians using their campaign contributions to hire their criminal defense lawyers? The Journal News said:

“Sen. David Carlucci, D-Clarkstown, showed about $17,700 in legal fees after he was named in a court document outlining federal charges against fellow Sen. Malcolm Smith, D-Queens, and top officials in Spring Valley.”

Is Carlucci telling the truth about cooperating fully?  It doesn’t cost $17,000 to truthfully cooperate about one meeting, does it?  What is Carlucci hiding?  Why isn’t he paying his lawyers out of his own pocket?  Is this why he helped the Republicans block campaign finance reform?

Monday, July 22, 2013

July Showers Bring MemeMonday Flowers

In case all the rain we’ve been getting made you sad, here’s a floral Meme to brighten your week.  You must have seen the big Journal News story yesterday about Carlucci and other politicians spending $7 Million on legal fees? We’ll have more on that tomorrow.

Friday, July 19, 2013

Carlucci’s First Lie

Even before he took office Carlucci was lying.  Someone emailed me last night and told me that he apparently testified to a Senate Committee that he could never, ever, ever support gerrymandering (and then, according to the person who emailed me, he supported gerrymandering that divided Rockland in half)

“I cannot support a process that does not include Non-Partisan, Independent Redistricting.”


“I did not make that pledge lightly. My support for independent redistricting is not an empty campaign promise made to curry favor with advocacy groups or political action committees; it is a commitment to my constituents in the 38th Senate District and to all of the people of New York who deserve more from their legislature and their elected officials.”

Well, maybe he did make the pledge lightly.  Or maybe he was just testilying.

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Good for NARAL

Someone forwarded over to me another story from this upstatewebsite called State of Politics.  Apparently NARAL is still mad over how Carlucci and his boys helped the Republicans block the Women’s Equality Act. They said the “Senate failed us” and are going to target them in the next election.

Bravo and count me in.

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Carlucci sold his soul for $37,500 and counting

Last week someone told me that Carlucci got an extra $12,500 a year from the Republicans in 2011 and 2012 for being in charge of something called the Administrative Regulations Review Commission.  This year he apparently got another $12,500 this year for being in charge of the Mental Health Committee.  In other words, he sold out to the Republicans and helped them block the Women’s Equality Act to repay the $37,500 they put in his pocket.

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Carlucci Helps ID Thieves & Spammers

Apparently a lot of people were really pissed last week when Carlucci sent out an email containing the personal email addresses of donors and supporters.  After some fat cat lobbyists complained that their private information could be viewed by people, he apparently made one of his lackeys send out another email taking responsibility and claiming that Carlucci had nothing to do with it.  Looks like either he didn’t care that the email addresses could be used by identity thieves and spammers to target his supporters (David’s only really ever cared about himself) or he and his people are just incompetent.  You decide.

Monday, July 15, 2013

Friday, July 12, 2013

Correction/I was wrong.

So it turns out that when I said that Carlucci cost us $8,800 for every law he passed last year I was wrong.  I didn’t know until someone emailed me that in addition to collecting a $79,500 salary for part-time work, Carlucci also got another $12,500 as Chairman of the Administrative Regulations Review Commission (whatever that is). So the actual bill for his 9 laws was $10,222 per bill.  No wonder taxes are so high in Rockland.

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Carlucci Costs $8,800 US a Law

Remember that report that I wrote about showing that Carlucci votes with the Republicans and the crooked Democrats more than most anybody else? It turns out that last year he passed only 9 bills through the Legislature. Based on his $79,500 salary, that works out to be $8,800 a law.  Seems like a lot to spend for not a lot of legislating.

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

More on Carlucci and the Crooks

I wrote a couple of times about a report proving that Carlucci votes with an indicted Senator named John Sampson more than almostanybody else.  Well one of the others who voted with Sampson a lot is another crook named Malcolm Smith.  Smith is the same one who was indicted for bribery with the Mayor of Spring Valley.  And who was mentioned prominently in the court papers? DavidCarlucci.  While Carlucci was not chargedwith anything, he seems pretty cozy with the ones who were.