Friday, July 19, 2013

Carlucci’s First Lie

Even before he took office Carlucci was lying.  Someone emailed me last night and told me that he apparently testified to a Senate Committee that he could never, ever, ever support gerrymandering (and then, according to the person who emailed me, he supported gerrymandering that divided Rockland in half)

“I cannot support a process that does not include Non-Partisan, Independent Redistricting.”


“I did not make that pledge lightly. My support for independent redistricting is not an empty campaign promise made to curry favor with advocacy groups or political action committees; it is a commitment to my constituents in the 38th Senate District and to all of the people of New York who deserve more from their legislature and their elected officials.”

Well, maybe he did make the pledge lightly.  Or maybe he was just testilying.

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