Thursday, August 22, 2013

Carlucci Ignores the Majority of People

That upstate website State of Politics is really full of useful information.  Apparently someupstate college did a survey and it turns out (no surprise here) that only 28% of people support what Carlucci did in cutting the Roe v. Wade out of the Women’s Equality Act.  54% of people support the full Democratic bill that Carlucci helped kill.

“By a two-to-one margin, New Yorkers would prefer to see the Assembly’s version of the Women’s Equality Act become law this year, not the Senate’s,” Greenberg said.
“With the exception of Republicans and conservatives – a plurality of both groups support the Senate version – a majority or plurality of every other demographic group supports the Assembly version.”
I hope everyone remembers that next year when Carlucci tries to run for re-election

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