Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Another Rat Leaves the Sinking SS Carlucci

As I’ve said before, some of my best information about Carlucci comes from the people who work for him, most of who secretly can’t stand him. 

The latest thing they told me is that yet another person in the office got fed up with the little weasel and left.  She joins Gemma Bianchi, Erin Dennin, Sephora Jean-Leger, Stephen Papas, and Scott Solomon—all of who worked in his office at some point but are now gone (thanks to the person in Carlucci’s office who told me how to find the Senate Expenditure Report—I’ll have more fun with that another time).

Of the 16 people who worked for Carlucci since he took office six have now left.  That’s nearly 40%!

Rumor has it more of them will leave before NARAL runs someone against him next year because they know he’s a loser.

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