Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Rockland Democrats Criticize Carlucci

I always vote Democratic but I’m not really into politics. I just created this blog after reading about what Carlucci did to stop the Women’s Equality Act and as a pro-choice woman I felt that somebody needed to call him out. As I read more about him on my own (and read what some of his own people sent me in confidence) I knew I was right.  What I never understood is why the so-called leaders in the Democratic party  in Rockland never told us what he was doing.  They should be ashamed for letting him do what he did so I’m not really a big fan of theirs. But after I posted Kim Moscaritolo’s letter last week several people emailed me to ask why I didn’t post the letter from the Democratic Party.  So here’s a link to it from the Rockland County Times.

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