Friday, June 28, 2013

Report Proves Carluci Votes With Republicans 99% of the Time!

I already told you that a lot of people have been sending me information about Carlucci to share with you and that I even got some emails from scared people who work for Carlucci.

Well one of the things they shared with me aside from some great photos you'll start to see next week, is a report from a group in Albany called the New York Public Interest Research Group that in 2012 Carlucci voted with Republican majority leader Dean Skelos 99.38% of the time!

But it looks like Carlucci didn't get much for kissing the butts of the Republicans. Of the 139 bills he introduced, only 16 passed the Senate and only 9 of those became law. I went to school with Carlucci and math wasn't his best subject but that's a pretty low average!

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Thanks for your submissions

I was really overwhelmed by how many people sent me information, photos, and stories about Carlucci.  What really surprised me were the people who worked for Carlucci that sent me stuff on the DL.

I'm going to start posting some of what they shared, but don't worry, I'll leave out the stories about what he's like in the office so that nobody else gets in trouble.  Check back next week for the start of a new series I'm calling #MemeMonday where each week I'll post a new photo of Carlucci as a meme for your enjoyment.  Until then, I'm going out of town, so keep everything coming.

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Nice Try David!

I guess the truth hits a little too close for comfort.  Carlucci's friends tried kicking me off of twitter for daring to criticize him. But I'm not letting him stop me.  If you want to be kept up to date, make sure to follow me at @SenCarlucci.

If you want to help expose Carlucci for betraying women, silencing people who dare criticize him or being part of the Republican war on women while pretending to be a Democrat send me an email at

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Help me out

If you agree with me that Carlucci's lies need to be exposed, then give me a hand.  Send me anything you think I should write about or anything else you know about Carlucci. I'll spread the word, and keep your identity secret like mine.

Monday, June 24, 2013

Women's Groups Blast Carlucci's Weasel Maneuver

Statement by Andrea Miller, President of NARAL Pro-Choice New York

The people of New York of State deserve a vote on legislation codifying Roe v. Wade. The IDC has so far failed to produce such a vote. What transpired on the floor via hostile amendment was a feeble attempt by the IDC to deflect attention from its failure in recent weeks to stand up for the women of New York and the Governor's 10 point Women's Equality Act.

If you want to help NARAL stop anti-choice politicians like Carlucci, you can support them here

Sunday, June 23, 2013

An Open Letter to David Carlucci

This was posted on Facebook by a young woman who is also disgusted with David Carlucci's failure to support the Women's Equality Act.  I agree with her totally.  Read it here: An Open Letter to David Carlucci

Saturday, June 22, 2013


Welcome to the Truth About David Carlucci.

I created this blog because I am horrified and disgusted.  When David Carlucci first ran for the State Senate, I voted for him. But, yesterday,  he conspired with the Republicans to stop the Women's Equality Act from becoming law.   That was it, for me.  I have just had enough. I don't expect the Republicans to care about women's rights, but Democrats are supposed to stand up to them and Carlucci couldn't be bothered.

Please share this blog with your friends and family.  I will try and keep it up to date with the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.  Because the more I learn about David Carlucci, the more outraged I become.