Thursday, June 19, 2014

Call the Waambulance for @davidcarlucci

I follow some Rockland people on Twitter and saw the other day that Ryan Karben complained about me.  He even got another politician named Craig Johnson to join in (btw, how much of a douchebag is Johnson? His twitter handle is @HONcraigjohnson, like he’s a member of the royal family or something). Here’s the problem though—Karben doesn’t follow me on Twitter to have seen my post, so I guess Carlucci must have complained to his buddy and Karben got up to defend his honor.

Since Carlucci and his lackeys are among my most loyal readers, let me send them a personal note—

Davey, I would gladly stop telling people about what an a-hole you are if you would stop pretending to be a Democrat and either admit to being a Republican or actually become a Democrat.  Calling your hotshot friends to complain about me is just wasting all of your time.

You should also think twice about having Ryan Karben speak up for you.  He seems to have paved the way for all of those predators we have been reading about in the Assembly.  He also is pretty bad at defending you since he was pretty gutless in defending himself, he just ran away when he got caught:

According to several Assembly officials who were briefed on the matter, Mr. Karben quit his post after being confronted with allegations that he brought three Assembly interns to a home he owns in Albany and watched pornography with them there.

 Rather than face an investigation, which could include public censure, Mr. Karben chose to step down, the officials said.


Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Does Carlucci’s Relationship With Indicted Senator Answer Financial Questions?

These questions about how Carlucci found $96,000 to pay for a new house have been bugging me.  Where did the money come from?

Then someone reminded me about when the Journal Newsreported that Carlucci had to spend $17,000 on criminal lawyers just to cooperate with the FBI.  Maybe there’s more to that Malcolm Smith case than has been reported. Carlucci was cleared by the DA, but could there be more to it than has already been reported? I don’t know, but Carlucci should come clean about what his cooperation and involvement entailed.


Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Questions Remain on Carlucci Finances

Last week we showed you that Carlucci bought a new house for $472,000 and got a mortgage for $378,000. That means he put $94,000 down on the house. But the forms he filed last year said that he had no more than $25,000 saved up. portfolio - $5,759.21
Thrift Savings Plan – $5,000-$19,999
HSBC Interest Income – $1-$999

Lauren Carlucci’s salary as a teacher at The Moriah School in Englewood was between $50,000 and $74,999.

They also have a Hartford 457 Deferred Comp account worth somewhere between $75,000 and $99,999 and a NYS Deferred Comp account worth somewhere between $20,000 and $49,999 but those can’t be used to pay for a house.

So the questions is where did they get $96,000 to pay for a house?


Thursday, June 12, 2014

How Did Carlucci Pay for His New House?

Last Summer, I showed you that Carlucci just isn’t worth much. His whole stock portfolio had about $5,000 in it.

Still he managed to buy a house for nearly a half million dollars and put nearly $100,000 down?  Where did the money come from? Obviously not from the less than $20,000 he had in a Thrift Savings Account or from the $769 in Ford Stock he owned.

Decide for yourself.  The deed to his house showing a purchase price of $472,000 and his mortgage for $378,000 are below.


Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Unions are #ReadyforHausner

The unions are lining up to beat Carlucci unless he walks away from the Republicans.

"We’re excited that Stephanie is considering getting in," Communications Workers of America political director Bob Master said. "We basically feel like it’s time for Carlucci to decide whether or not he’s going stand up for progressive values and walk away from a deal that entrenches conservative Republican leadership in the state Senate."
I hope that my union is on board too. Meanwhile, Carlucci is in the same story babbling like an idiot.
