Friday, September 27, 2013

#FF @NYSA_Majority

The Women’s Equality Act, with all ten points, passed the State Assembly easily. I don’t think they are in session at the moment, but everyone should follow the Assembly Democrats at @ NYSA_Majority when they return.


Thursday, September 26, 2013

#TBT NARAL: Carlucci’s buddies try to revise history

This happened over the summer, so it’s not much of a throwback, but I think it fits with the theme of remembering history.  Apparently, Carlucci’s Republican buddies tried to blame the Democrats for the failure to pass portions of the Women’s Equality Act.  NARAL wasn’t having any of that and called them out for attempting “to revise history by asserting that the Assembly, and not the Senate, has stood in the way of women’s progress. But New Yorkers know better.”

“The Senate Majority Coalition…spent the entire legislative session obstructing the Women’s Equality Act from moving forward by misleading the public about what it would accomplish.”

You tell 'em, NARAL!


Wednesday, September 25, 2013

New Feature: From the mailbag #AMA (within reason)

Like CT says all the time, we get a LOT of emails from people who support what she’s been doing the past few months.  I want to try something a little different by inviting anyone to ask us questions about Carlucci, politics, the blog, whatever (within reason).  Just drop us a line at and we’ll answer your questions here on the blog, but will always keep your info private.

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Glad to be here

Hi, I’m the new guy joining our intrepid founder on this little mission.  Call me danger, Carlucci Danger (CD for short, which is how I will sign my posts). Hmmm.  What should I tell you about myself? I live in Nyack, I studied political science in college, but I work in the pharmaceutical industry.  Like CT, I think Carlucci’s a sham. I get the stuff he sends in the mail, and I voted for him last time, but it’s pretty crazy that he sold himself out to the Republicans and thinks we wont do anything about it. I look forward to informing and entertaining you until he goes away.


Friday, September 20, 2013

#FF @NYGovCuomo

As you all know by now I am a big supporter of the Women’s Equality Act.  I think it’s just terrible that Carlucci backstabbed New York women in exchange for money and power from the Republicans. The biggest supporter of the WEA is Governor Cuomo.  He’s doing a great job, and everyone should follow him on Twitter.


(from now on, we will try and sign posts.  Since my email address is, I will sign everything CT)

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Welcome to the new and improved Carlucci Truth Blog

We have some big changes here at the blog.  As you probably noticed, we have a brand, spanking new design.  But the changes don't stop there.  We have a new team.  After a few months of doing this on my own, and getting so many emails from people offering their help, I finally said why not.  So, from here on out, the blog (and our twitter feed @sencarlucci ) will be a team effort.  So join me in welcoming 2 new people to the blog, who will also help tell the truth about that little weasel in the State Senate.  Next up, we're looking for an Ossining correspondent so if you want to help out, hit us up.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Belated Labor Day Post -- Carlucci screws working people

I meant to post this before I went on vacation, but forgot.  Sorry.  In honor of Labor Day, I looked into the minimum wage increase that the state passed this year.  It turns out that it took 10+ years for waiters, cashiers, landscapers, and other low-wage workers to get a raise because the Republicans wouldn’t go along with an automatic cost of living adjustment for the minimum wage. Even though they passed it this year, there’s still no Cost of Living Adjustment because Carlucci and his IDC people didn’t want to upset the Republicans. 

How does this guy live with himself?  He's a disgrace. 

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Bye Bye @JasonElan

Looks like Carlucci is on another one of his crazy rants.  He made some stooge of his, Jason Elan, stop following me on twitter.

Seriously, first he tried to shut me down, then he got all paranoid because people who work him were slipping me info on the DL.  Now he made his sidekick stop following me on twitter.  Get a life, David.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Back from Vacation - Counting down to next year

I was away last week, so sorry for not doing my usual updates.

But I made sure to vote first thing in the morning (though I didn't realize my voting location changed).  Today's election means it's just one more year until NARAL takes it to Carlucci and beats him in the next election.  I don't know who's running, but count me in!